Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How To Grow Strong And Healthy Hair


You may have long hair but you may also find that your hair keeps falling and it may also be dry. You may have used all kind of tips but noting has worked for you

So I will give you a fee tips to get strong long hair

Step one for strong hair- be sure to wash your hair only twice a week with shampoo, if you wish to wash it everyday be sure to skip the use of shampoo and use only natural shampoos, commercial shampoos will strip the sebum of your scalp and give you a dirty scalp

What I use myself with great success is I apply Mira hair oil on my scalp and leave it on all day, sometimes I put a plastic bag over your hair so it heats it up and penetrates my hair and scalp. This amazing oil also acts like a hot oil treatment. The oil contains some vitamins. powerful herbs and works to keep my hair stronger.

Be sure to eat healthier food, dark green leafy vegetables are crucial and a nice trim once a month will keep your hair looking healthy and strong. Simple steps that will soon show changes in your locks.

Other ways to get strong hair is to manage your hair gently and carefully always whiles combing and brushing your hair! It is important to use a wide teethed comb to detangle your hair, also try massaging Mira hair oil on the hard to detangle parts

For strong hair it is important to never use hot water on your hair. . Hot water will stress your hair and affect its strength and growth.

Another strong hair tips is to use a gentle massage to stimulate your hair follicles and to enhance the growth of strong healthy hair... always as I mentioned to occasionally trim the hair periodically to eliminate split ends.

When it comes to strong hair you want to make sure that you take adequate rest. It allows your hair to grow fast and strong

Finally for strong hair be sure to remove all hair tangled before washing your hair and you also want to make sure to never rub your hair with a towel to get your hair to dry


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