Friday, April 24, 2009

Steps and Tips for practicing Self Hypnosis


Author: maiadestinee

These are steps you need to follow in order to get complete Hypnosis treatment/training.

1.    Go to a comfortable place and sit in any comfortable position (its up to you to select comfortable place).
2.    Don’t get disturbed for at least half an hour.
3.    Close your eyes and work to rid your mind of any feelings of fear, stress, or anxiety.
4.    Recognize the tension in your body.
5.    Take slow, deep breaths.
6.    You are now extremely relaxed.
7.    At this point at the bottom of the water you shouldn't really feel anything.
8.    Repeat your statement(s) to yourself as many times as you wish.
9.    Once you are satisfied with what you have done and embraced swim back to the stairs.
10.    Once you have ascended, give yourself a few moments before opening your eyes.

Relax your muscles is to physically tense and hold for twenty seconds before releasing; you should feel as well as imagine the tension leaving.Here are the some useful tips to get successful self hypnosis

It is impossible to gauge your own depth of hypnosis. Hypnosis is naturally occurring and easy to achieve. Trust that you have reached a state of hypnosis; you probably have!

Relax your muscles is to physically tense and hold for twenty seconds before releasing; you should feel as well as imagine the tension leaving.

A great way to aid relaxing is to raise your eyes as much as you can inside your head and hold it for as long as you can. This has been proven to help slow the mind down and is used by many hypnotists today.

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Top 5 Health Mistakes Women Make


Author: James Pendergraft

There are instances when women visit their doctor’s office for a checkup, yet after the process, these women would still feel lost and misunderstood. Ladies, have you ever encountered this situation? If you are unaware of it, yes, it could happen and most of the time this could be prevented.

Women would feel voiceless and paralyzed once they are inside the doctor’s office. Even women who are well bred and with promising careers suffer from this problem. These mistakes should not be taken for granted—especially because it involves health care.

Here are the five mistakes that most women are guilty of:

1. Women don’t question doctors. Women do not ask their doctors the right questions. It is natural for most women to feel intimidated, especially if the doctor is a male. The difference in power and authority often makes a woman vulnerable and child-like. If you are in such a state, it is best to take someone with you who would ask the necessary questions, especially those questions that you are afraid or embarrassed to ask. You could also talk to your doctor afterward and tell him the things you did not understand about what he just told you. The doctor may have been using jargons while he was talking to you. It is just right that you speak up and tell him so. That way, he could slow down and explain to what’s going on.

2. Women tend to over-research. It is more likely for women to search and look up health information online. This method might have benefits, but it is not altogether    the best. Women are more inclined to make themselves believe that they have health problems when in fact they don’t. If you are among such women, it is advised that      you narrow down all your researches and instead focus on the main and more important points. Then with the organized information you have, ask your doctors anything       that bothers you. This is more coherent than having a lot of printouts, and it saves you time.

3. Women tend to over-research. It is more likely for women to search and look up health information online. This method might have benefits, but it is not altogether the    best. Women are more inclined to make themselves believe that they have health problems when in fact they don’t. If you are among such women, it is advised that you    narrow down all your researches and instead focus on the main and more important points. Then with the organized information you have, ask your doctors anything that    bothers you. This is more coherent than having a lot of printouts, and it saves you time.

4. Women interpret their own symptoms. It is normal for the women to just neglect the facts, interpret their conditions, and make their own diagnosis. This could put    their health at risk. It is good for you to just state the facts and let the doctors do their job. Let them have their own interpretations and diagnosis. But if you have    questions, don’t hold back. There are times that you are probably right, but it is still best to trust in the professional’s interpretation.

5.Women don’t trust their intuition. This is considered the mother of all mistakes. As said earlier, if you think that the doctor’s interpretation is incorrect, step up and   tell him or her so. After all, it is your health at risk here.

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I love your lips!


Author: Mister V

Too busy taking care of your skin or your hair? Don’t forget the lips, which are more sensitive, need more care, especially in the cold months. Stop hiding behind a lipstick and offer them the proper care they deserve!

To stay smooth and silky, the lips need exfoliation, just like the skin does, at least once a week. For this, use a toothbrush and massage the lips with circular moves. This way, you remove the dry skin and prepare the surface for nourishing treatments, which will give back the lips the velvet.

If the lips are dry or damaged (cracked), like it happens in the winter, the surface must be first repaired, and then protected. In many cases, the lip balm is not enough, and you need to use natural, strongly nourishing ingredients: honey, butter (as fat as possible), olive oil or almond oil. Also, include in your alimentation many fruit and drink much water, since dry lips are a sign of dehydration.

After you use the natural repairing treatments, you need to moisturize the lips, with moisturizing balms, which need applying many times throughout the day. The evenings you must wipe the lips with a cucumber or lemon slice, and then apply a night formula product.

Because the lipsticks don’t contain moisturizing ingredients, they need to be avoided in the cold season. You can use creamy, vitamin rich lipsticks, but only after you use a protecting balm first. Use a special brush to apply the lipstick, and start from the center. Always respect the lips contour and pay attention to the mouth corners.

If your lips are thin, you should use only light colored lipstick. The dark hues only thin even more the lips. Cover the lipstick with a clear lip gloss, only in the center of the lips. Also, there are available volume lip glosses, with ingredients specially designed to increase the lips visually.

If your lips are not symmetrical, chose pink or nude nuances of lipstick, and avoid the contour crayons.

For thick lips, you need natural colors and glosses, which will reduce visually their volume. For effect, you can use colors by taking into consideration your eyes color.

Byte a paper napkin, to remove the excessive lipstick and to avoid the teeth from coloring. Over the day, you may use a clear or pale pink lip gloss for the center part of the lips.

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How To Enlarge My Penis- Tips On Getting a 9 Inch Penis


Author: Tony Smith

Enlarging your penis may seem like a difficult thing to do. It may actually feel like it's impossible. Especially when you're not sure how you can do it. It'll have you asking, "How to enlarge my penis". So, what I'm going to do is share with you some tips on enlarging your penis.

That way, you will be able to get up to an nine inch penis.

The tips on enlarging your size are:

1. The first tip on making you bigger is to have surgery. This one is scary. Although going through surgery will work, it is something you should approach with caution. There have been guys complaining that they have lost sensation in their penis because of going through the process of having surgery.

2. Another tip on increasing your size is to use pills. There are only a few enlargement pills that will work. The rest of them won't help you increase your size. They're only good for giving you erections. Which isn't the same as enlarging your penis size. So be sure you read the directions. Especially if you're asking yourself, "how to enlarge my penis".

3. The best way to enlarge your penis size is to use exercises. It's effective. And will help you get up to an 9 inch penis. The exercises you should use includes the length extender, jelqing technique, and the hanging towel method.

These are some tips on enlarging your penis. If you really want to make your penis bigger, be sure to use the exercises. Now that you know the answer to your question, "how to enlarge my penis", use each exercise and make sure you are consistent. It's a guaranteed way to add up to 4 or more inches to your size.

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How to stop obsessive thought


Author: peter brennan
Many of us obsess over one thing or another. We have a thought that we can't get out of our minds and on and on it goes. For some of us this only happens now and again.

But for others it might be a daily accurance and it stops one enjoying life and being present.

It can be very energy zapping and can lead one to become very isolated and cut off from whats going on around As you are lost in your own little world.

The good news is that I believe there is a way through this pain, it may take time but I'm going to show you how it works.

Step one-Do not try to fight what is happening. That is to say when the thought you are avoiding comes into your mind and you feel the emotion in your body do not try to fight what is going on as this only makes the thought stronger and the emotion too

Step two-ask your self the question-what what emotion am I trying to avoid?. The thought your fighting is usually creating an emotion in your body. Asking what emotion you are fighting may remind you of an experience from the past that was traumatic, when the thought that triggers this emotion arrises again you may instintively fight it. You have to realise that this is not in your best interest.

Step three-Actively think the thought and don't shy away from it. let your thought create your emotion and feel the full force of its energy. You will find that its energy has a limit and does fade.

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Depression in adolescents and young people


Author: Dr Mark Rowe

One in five children and adolescents is affected by mental health problems and disorders. Those aged 18-24 have the highest prevalence of mental disorders of any age group.

Depression in this age group should be taken seriously. Youth suicide is the third most common cause of death in this age group.

The Lawson Clinic, a leading mood disorder facility based in Sydney Australia, believes that both biological and developmental factors contribute to depression in adolescence. If Bipolar disorder or psychosis is suspected, biological causes would need to be examined.

Signs of depression in an adolescent

It is often hard to distinguish adolescent turmoil from depressive illness, especially as the young person is forging new roles within the family and struggling with independence, and academic and career decisions.

An adolescent who is depressed may not show obvious signs of depression. Instead, he or she may start to behave uncharacteristically, for example by:

- Becoming socially withdrawn.

- Falling in their performance at school.

- Engaging in risk-taking behaviours (e.g. reckless driving, inappropriate sexual involvements).

- Engaging in drug and alcohol abuse.                        

- Sometimes a minor physical problem is used as a disguised appeal for help.

Where to get help for an adolescent

If you think your son or daughter, or someone you are close to, might be depressed, the first step is to either take them to a general practitioner, to the local Community Health Centre. The general practitioner will either conduct an assessment or refer the adolescent to a child and adolescent psychiatrist or mental health worker. Other initial sources of help are school counsellors and trusted close family members to whom the adolescent feels comfortable talking.

Sometimes the adolescent may not want to seek help. In this case it's best to explain that you are concerned and perhaps also provide them with some information to read about depression.

There are also some excellent websites designed for young people, as well as confidential online and telephone counselling services. It's important for young people to know that depression is a common problem and that there are people who can help.

If there is any talk of suicide this should be taken seriously and immediate help sought from a mental health professional.

Key points to remember

- Depression among young people is common, with one in five affected by mental  health problems.

- It can be hard to distinguish depression from adolescent turmoil.

- Depression in an adolescent may be indicated by uncharacteristic behaviour such as withdrawing socially, dropping in performance at school, using drugs or alcohol, or engaging in risky behaviour.

- Professional help from a general pracititioner or counsellor should be sought if depression is suspected.

- Immediate help should be obtained from a general pracititioner or other mental health practitioner if an adolescent talks of suicide.

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Monday, April 20, 2009

How to Choose an Effective Skin Care Moisturizer Cream


Author: Tara Mathews

Not all skin care moisturizer cream products are good for your skin. You do not want to apply a product that will take away the natural oils in your skin. If this happens then you will end up with problems with your skin.

In order to make your skin softer and more radiant as you age, you need to apply a skin care moisturizer cream that does not harm the skin. Many consumers are just not aware of what they are putting on their bodies.

Some creams are designed for use during the day, while others are designed for use at night. Night creams are stronger than day creams because they are meant to work while you sleep.

Many ingredients found in popular products are not good for your skin. For example, you may not have heard of parabens, but they are quite nasty. They are preservatives that are added to skin creams designed to give the product a longer shelf life. They are considered potential cancer-causing agents and should not be used at all.

Another ingredient that seems to be used quite often is fragrances. Fragrances are not needed in skin care moisturizer creams. They can cause skin irritations and allergic reactions.

The safest and the most effective skin care moisturizer cream should contain natural ingredients that help to stimulate the body into producing more skin proteins. This will lead to a reduction of the lines and wrinkles on your skin.

There are some amazing natural substances being used in some unique skin care products these days. One of the most effective substances is Cynergy TK. It is very effective at boosting the re-production of vital skin proteins, this leads to healthier looking and feeling skin.  

Keep in mind though that many cosmetic companies are not using natural ingredients like Cynergy TK. Many companies are still using synthetic ingredients, ususally because they are cheaper and thus they make more money using them.

The safest and most effective skin care moisturizer cream is one that contains specific natural ingredients such as Cynergy TK.

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All You Need to Know About Restylane Side Effects


Author: Cavyl Stewart

Restylane is a FDA-approved hyaluronic acid composition used for cosmetic injections. It is based on a non-animal sourced formula and is commonly used as dermal filler. Since 1996, there have been over 10 million cosmetic treatments involving it. With proper injection to the skin, patients will feel a definite improvement in skin elasticity thereby diminishing lines of aging and skin wrinkling. By introducing a new source of hyaluronic acid, this product is able to restore and revitalize the skin, making for a younger and fresher appearance. One particular advantage of this drug is the fact that Restylane side effects are both minor and rare.

One of the main reasons why Restylane side effects are uncommon is that the drug is based on hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally used by the body for tissue repair. Additionally, because it is a non-animal hyaluronic acid filler, there is hardly any risk that you will experience the same type of animal-borne infections that you are susceptible to when using fillers that are made with animal products.

Though chances of occurrence are slim, one possible Restylane side effect is bruising. This sometimes occurs due to the needles used during injection. Another possible side effect is swelling at the site of the injection, but this usually subsides within a short period of time. Some patients reported acquiring minor infections or cold sores at the point of the shot. Slight pain, itching, tenderness, redness, and wrinkling of the skin where the shot was injected are some other side effects, but these too usually subside within about two days.

Patients with hypersensitive skin may find that their bodies experience side effects from Restylane to a slightly more severe degree. Some have reported to experience extreme tenderness and acne-like skin complications. Typically only one in every 2,000 patients, however, suffers from side effects such as these.

If experiencing side effects was not unlikely enough, getting an allergic reaction from the treatment is much less probable. The few rare cases of allergic reactions to Restylane have been documented to include breathing difficulty, extreme itchiness, hives, and unusual dizziness. If such symptoms are experienced, seek medical attention.

It is important to note that the different Restylane side effects should all disappear within a short amount of time. Inflammatory reactions, however, can last up to two weeks. If you find that you are experiencing side effects from a Restylane injection for a prolonged period of time, consult your doctor immediately.

Although the onset of Restylane side effects may be rare and mild, it never hurts to arm yourself with the proper knowledge. Familiarizing yourself with the possible side effects of Restylane is one effective way to help ensure that your treatment or usage of the drug goes smoothly.

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Friday, April 17, 2009



What is a condom?
Condoms are thin latex or polyurethane sheaths that are worn on the penis or in the vagina (female condom) during intercourse to prevent pregnancy and reduce the risk of sexually transmitted disease.

Latex condoms are best if you’re not allergic as they are more reliable and most readily available. Latex condoms can be used with water based lubricants, but not oil based products such as Vaseline as this will break down the latex. A small number of people are allergic to latex and can use polyurethane instead.

Polyurethane condoms are made from a type of plastic. They are thinner and allow for greater feeling and appearance. They are more expensive and somewhat less flexible which may require more lubricant. Both water and oil based lubricants can be used with polyurethane condoms.

Spermicides and Nonoxynol 9
Condoms and lubricants sometimes contain a spermicide called Nonoxynol 9. There are risks associated with Nonoxynol 9 such as an allergic reaction which can cause irritation if used many times a day. If this occurs it should be discontinued as skin irritations can increase the risk of HIV or STD transmission.

What are the advantages of using condoms?
Condoms are the only contraceptive that helps prevent pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted disease when used properly and consistently. Condoms have none of the medical side effects of many other birth control methods. Condoms are available in various shapes, colors, textures, and sizes. The variations in shape and design are intended to suit different personal preferences in order to enhance love making pleasure. Condoms are widely available in drug stores, convenience stores, supermarkets and even vending machines. Condoms are safe, inexpensive and simple to use. Like all forms of birth control, when used properly, condoms can be highly effective and have no side effects if not allergic to latex.

Disadvantages of using condoms.
The disadvantages are very few compared to other forms of birth control. Some individuals feel that a condom dulls sensation. Others feel that sexual excitement is diminished when love making must be interrupted to put on a condom. But many are able to overcome this inconvenience and learn to incorporate condom use as part of sex play. And most say they have better sex because they are able to focus on the enjoyment without worrying about unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

How to use a condom.
You need to use a condom every time you have sexual intercourse. Never use the same condom twice. Each condom package includes detailed instructions. Be sure to read, understand and follow the instructions before you use the condom. Check the expiration date and do not use if it is expired.

The condom should be put on before touching the penis to any place on the partners body. Practice makes perfect. It is best if both partners know how to put on and use a condom. This will make using a condom easier and more pleasurable, and condom use more effective.

Open condom packages carefully to avoid ripping or tearing. Always check to be certain the condom is appears to be in good condition. Condoms can deteriorate if not stored properly. If a condom feels sticky or very dry, it should not be used. 

Condoms should be rolled over the tip of an erect penis. If the condom does not have a reservoir top, pinch the tip of the condom enough to leave a small space to collect semen. Pull out the penis before it softens by holding the condom against the base of the penis to avoid spilling semen. Throw the condom away and do not reuse.

What if the condom breaks?
Sometimes condoms break. If you are aware the condom has broken during intercourse, immediately pull out and replace it with a new one. If the condom breaks and semen has leaked out, wash the semen away from the vulva or penis with soap and water. If the condom breaks and semen has entered the vagina, emergency contraception such as the morning after pill can prevent pregnancy up to 5 days after unprotected intercourse. 

Condoms protect against pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease. Don’t be shy about protecting the one you love!

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Best Way to Lose Weight as a Woman? 3 Things Women Must Know in Order to Lose Weight


Did you know that the best way to lose weight as a woman isn't always the same as what men need to do? Find out today 3 things women must know in order to lose weight effectively and the most successful weight loss system that a woman can try.

3 Feminine Secrets to Weight Loss

#1 - Stop Eating Estrogen: The major factor I'm talking about here is soy. With such a high abundance of estrogen it can be a funny thing that so many women choose to use soy protein, when in reality the constant consumption of these foods will lead to elevated estrogen levels and potentially an imbalance of hormones which will really cause weight to pack on.

#2 - Stop the Sugar: OK so this seems like an obvious one, but for whatever reason women are simply more prone to the weight gaining effects of sugar than men. It is in your best interests to avoid sugar as much as possible and ideally try to embrace a lifestyle that involves more raw foods such as organic fruits and vegetables. This alone will push your health to a higher level and allow weight loss to occur much more easily.

#3 - Keep Active: Unlike men who can rely quite often on their testosterone levels to see them through rapid weight loss, women aren't so lucky and unless you get your butt in action the pounds will be difficult at best to completely eliminate. That's not to say that a good diet isn't key, in fact with a very good diet you can keep weight off very easily, although cardio exercise always helps.

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Food to Improve Testosterone Levels in Men


Testosterone is the androgen secreted in the male testis and in the female ovaries. It is very important hormone for the proper growth of the human body. In men, testosterone plays a very important role in development of the secondary sexual characters. The sexuality of the men is dependent considerably on the testosterone levels in his body. The men with the less level of testosterone are often found to be weak and usually fail to perform well during the sex, whereas men with high level of testosterone are always healthy and found to excellent during the sexual encounter. It is the testosterone that helps to build the sexual stamina and guides the erection mechanism. But, due to low levels of testosterone many of the men are failing to perform well during the sex.

The main reason for the reduction in the testosterone level is aging. Also few other factors like stress, tensions, injuries to testis, inadequate sleep, and too much exercising decrease the testosterone levels in the body. There are various medications available to increase the levels of testosterone, but please don’t take them as they may affect your health adversely or if at all you want to take them consult the doctor. But, guys you can increase the levels of testosterone even without taking any of these medicines. So, go through the list of the food items mentioned below and have them regularly to increase the testosterone levels:

1. Eggs:

Daily intake of egg is found to be very good source to increase the testosterone levels. Even it has been proved through the research that egg are very good source of proteins that promote the production of the testosterone. Eggs along with the proteins also contain the Vitamin A that stimulates the production of the testosterone. If you are having very low testosterone content then you should certainly start eating egg daily and you would be able to see the difference in few months.

2. Meat:

Non-vegetarian food items are found to be very rich in the testosterone content. You can certainly boost the testosterone levels in the body by including meat in your daily diet. Meat includes the high amount of proteins that in accordance with the minerals like zinc that promotes the production of the testosterone. White meat chicken is one of the healthiest lean meats available that is best to increase the testosterone levels. But, please make a note that keep the meat intake in control otherwise it may also increase the fats and carbohydrates in the body and make you prone to many other hazardous diseases.

3. Vegetables:

The intake of vegetables regularly will never make you prone to the low testosterone levels. Spinach is specifically very good to boost the testosterone levels in the body. The most important benefit of vegetable intake is that it doesn’t promote any hazardous effect to your health like the non-vegetarian food items. Tomatoes also are found to prop up the testosterone levels as they are rich in Vitamin A. Vegetables intake increase the testosterone levels in the body very fast, and you can see the effects in short span of time in comparison to other food items.

4. Fruits:

One of the best methods to increase the production of the testosterone in the body is to eat the fruits regularly. Fruits are the rich source of the vitamins and minerals that prop up the testosterone production in the body. Fruits also are found to decrease the influence of the factors that affects the testosterone production adversely. Fruit intake reduces the production of the dihydrotestosterone that is found to reduce the testosterone levels in the body. The best fruit to induce testosterone levels is Apple, which if you eat regularly for about 2 months will surely increase the testosterone levels in your body. The other fruits are Pineapple, Orange, and Mango that also increases the testosterone level in body.

5. Milk and Milk Products:

Drinking milk daily can help you to improve the testosterone levels in the body. Milk is considered as the whole food so its intake can boost the production of testosterone. Milk contains adequate amount of minerals, vitamins, and proteins that maintains the level of the testosterone in the body and doesn’t allow it to drop below the normal level. Milk products are also rich in nutrients. So, if you having the low level of testosterone, you need to include the milk and milk products in your daily diet routine.

So, guys improve your testosterone and live healthy and happy life. Additionally it would also increase your sexual appetite, making the sex life fantastic.

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Tips On Increasing The Size of your Penis- Get A 9-inch Penis Now


Increasing the size of your penis can seem like an impossible thing to do. Especially when you don't know what you can do to make it bigger. So, what I'm going to do is share with you some tips on increasing the size of your penis.

That way, your woman will love the size of your penis.

The tips on increasing your size are:

1. The first thing you can do to make the size of your penis get bigger is use pills. A lot of pills claim to be able to help you make your penis grow. But in reality, there are only a couple that will actually help you grow in size. The others will only give you an erection.

2. Another tip on increasing the size of your penis is using devices. There are devices that will help you get a longer penis. It won't help you last longer in bed or give you a thicker penis. But it'll help you increase your length. Before using devices, make sure you read the procedures.

3. The best tip on increasing your penis size is to use exercises. This will help you make your penis thicker, longer, and help you last longer while having sex. If you really want to please your woman, you should use the jelqing technique and the hanging towel method.

These are some tips on increasing the size of your penis. If you really want to increase your size, be sure to use the tips above. You and your woman will love the results you achieve.

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hair Extensions


Hair extensions are great idea to give a completely new look to a woman, especially if she is born with thin hair. If you feel less confident because of your thin and unhealthy hair, try a natural hair extension that will bring amazing changes in you, not only in physical appearance but also in your personality. 

Hair extension is chosen by others as a way to color their hair. With this, you can give a trendy hue to your hair, without actually killing your scalp with harsh chemicals. Hair coloring becomes much easier with the smooth silky long hair extensions. They preserve their color for a long time too. Because of these reasons, many people opt for hair extensions nowadays. 

There are a few people who consider ‘foreign hair’ as distractions to their normal activities. This concern is popular among people engaged in sports activities or those who travel a lot. They feel that they are carrying something extra on their head and develop an adverse feeling against them. However, this is just a psychological problem. Those who have tried it for a few weeks will realize that it merges with their hair so smoothly that they even forget about its presence. Then, they can move on or involve in highly sportive activities without discomfort.

Hair extension should not be taken in the wrong sense. Like many other personal grooming products available today, hair extensions are made after careful evaluation of their pros and cons. Hair extensions made of natural (human) hair are the best because they easily merge with your hair. If you approach a professional hair extension provider, he/she will suggest you the perfect extension suitable for your hair, by comparing it with your locks. If you are able to get the matching extension for your hair, you can be relieved. 

Celebrity Hair Extensions are blessings for people who are born with thin hair. Thin hair has been a matter of concern for many, especially when they are doing a high-profile job and they have to impress many people by their personality. Lack of volume hair can bring down the confidence in a woman. By finding a suitable hair extension, they can get rid of this problem permanently. 

By opting for a natural hair extension, you can make your hair look gorgeous in the natural way. Compared to the synthetic hairs, real hair extensions are long lasting. Typically, a good quality hair extension lasts 4-5 months, depending on the living style of the person. However, many people prefer hair extensions for special occasions.

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Hair Extensions


Hair extensions are great idea to give a completely new look to a woman, especially if she is born with thin hair. If you feel less confident because of your thin and unhealthy hair, try a natural hair extension that will bring amazing changes in you, not only in physical appearance but also in your personality. 

Hair extension is chosen by others as a way to color their hair. With this, you can give a trendy hue to your hair, without actually killing your scalp with harsh chemicals. Hair coloring becomes much easier with the smooth silky long hair extensions. They preserve their color for a long time too. Because of these reasons, many people opt for hair extensions nowadays. 

There are a few people who consider ‘foreign hair’ as distractions to their normal activities. This concern is popular among people engaged in sports activities or those who travel a lot. They feel that they are carrying something extra on their head and develop an adverse feeling against them. However, this is just a psychological problem. Those who have tried it for a few weeks will realize that it merges with their hair so smoothly that they even forget about its presence. Then, they can move on or involve in highly sportive activities without discomfort.

Hair extension should not be taken in the wrong sense. Like many other personal grooming products available today, hair extensions are made after careful evaluation of their pros and cons. Hair extensions made of natural (human) hair are the best because they easily merge with your hair. If you approach a professional hair extension provider, he/she will suggest you the perfect extension suitable for your hair, by comparing it with your locks. If you are able to get the matching extension for your hair, you can be relieved. 

Celebrity Hair Extensions are blessings for people who are born with thin hair. Thin hair has been a matter of concern for many, especially when they are doing a high-profile job and they have to impress many people by their personality. Lack of volume hair can bring down the confidence in a woman. By finding a suitable hair extension, they can get rid of this problem permanently. 

By opting for a natural hair extension, you can make your hair look gorgeous in the natural way. Compared to the synthetic hairs, real hair extensions are long lasting. Typically, a good quality hair extension lasts 4-5 months, depending on the living style of the person. However, many people prefer hair extensions for special occasions.

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Hair transplant – Certain innovations and how I do it with the DRAG knife


Hair transplant – Certain innovations and how I do it with the DRAG knife

Hair transplant is the only surgical solution to baldness, and actually the only natural solution to it. As a plastic surgeon, I believe that all medical managements can at best be supporting surgery, but cannot replace it at all. Further non surgical methods like weaving and bonding, are very poor solutions to baldness, and people sporting these for long periods are rare to find. After having performed so many hair transplants over the past year or so, i have developed a certain technique, with which I believe I get superior results. However it is an individual decision and every surgeon has his own tricks, so here is mine

I do the microfollicular technique as described by Dr Carlos Uebel (Porto Alegre, Brazil). I take out the strip of hair bearing skin from the back of the head under tumescent local anesthesia. I perform a single layer closure of the scalp. Having taken out the strip, I then dissect out each single hair follicle, reserving the single hair follicular unit for the frontal hair line and the mini grafts for the rest of the head. 

for details -

For making the anterior hair line, I use a modified knife, which I call the DRAG knife (from the acronym DR Amit Gupta, my name). This knife has a special blade fitted to it, which only projects about 3 mm from the surface. It is a rectangular blade. The advantage of this blade, is that unlike the conventionally used No. 11 blade, this cannot pierce more than 3 mm, and thus the chances of bleeding are much reduced. Secondly the cutting edge is not as sharp, thus the chance of cutting the adjacent hair follicle is much reduced. Being so small, I am able to get a better hair density, particularly for the anterior hair line. I preslit about 1500 slits, to achieve greater density, and subsequently use to slit and plug technique more posteriorly. Thus I am able to make a combination of better speed and higher density, without any bleeding at all. I have now started doing megasessions of over 2000 hair follicular units, with much better results

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What Hair Regrowth Treatment Is Right For Me?


Dealing with the issue of hair loss can be difficult. It is important to know that there are many treatments available. The key is finding the right Hair Growth Treatment that works for you. The treatments vary from over the counter type products to others that require a prescription. Some of the treatments have been proven to work better than others, but it also comes down to the individual using the product and how their body responds to it. Some of the most common treatments include hair growth shampoo, hair growth medication and hair growth surgeries.

There are many different products that fall into the hair growth shampoo category. Many of these products have been around for several years and have proven results. The nice thing about this Hair Regrowth Treatment is that many of these products are available over the counter. With any hair growth shampoo, it is important to follow a few guidelines. First of all, be gentle with your hair and scalp. Hair loss can be intensified if there is undue stress or pressure put on the hair follicles. If at all possible, let your hair air dry rather than rubbing it with a towel or using a blow dryer. Finally, use care when doing any kind of styling to prevent further hair loss. With any of the shampoo products, it is also important not to expect results over night. Hair regrowth with this type of product can take many months.

As with the shampoo products, there are also numerous hair growth medications. Some of the more popular ones include Rogaine, Propecia and Provillus. Most medications work by blocking the type of hormone that causes your hair to thin. This hormone can attach itself to hair follicles and cause them to thin out and eventually to not grow at all. This Hair Regrowth Treatment works to stop that hormone and allow your hair to grow in thicker. The appeal of this type of treatment is that it not only prevents further hair loss, but it also helps you regrow more hair. Minoxidil is the ingredient in most of these medications that is FDA approved to help regrow hair.

The final area of Hair Regrowth Treatment is hair transplant surgery. This is typically an option for people that have tried shampoo and other medications and had little or no success. The hair transplant surgery actually takes follicles and relocates them to where your natural hair line used to be. Those follicles then start regrowing hair after a recovery period. This option can be more invasive and much more expensive than the other options.

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What Hair Regrowth Treatment Is Right For Me?


Dealing with the issue of hair loss can be difficult. It is important to know that there are many treatments available. The key is finding the right Hair Growth Treatment that works for you. The treatments vary from over the counter type products to others that require a prescription. Some of the treatments have been proven to work better than others, but it also comes down to the individual using the product and how their body responds to it. Some of the most common treatments include hair growth shampoo, hair growth medication and hair growth surgeries.

There are many different products that fall into the hair growth shampoo category. Many of these products have been around for several years and have proven results. The nice thing about this Hair Regrowth Treatment is that many of these products are available over the counter. With any hair growth shampoo, it is important to follow a few guidelines. First of all, be gentle with your hair and scalp. Hair loss can be intensified if there is undue stress or pressure put on the hair follicles. If at all possible, let your hair air dry rather than rubbing it with a towel or using a blow dryer. Finally, use care when doing any kind of styling to prevent further hair loss. With any of the shampoo products, it is also important not to expect results over night. Hair regrowth with this type of product can take many months.

As with the shampoo products, there are also numerous hair growth medications. Some of the more popular ones include Rogaine, Propecia and Provillus. Most medications work by blocking the type of hormone that causes your hair to thin. This hormone can attach itself to hair follicles and cause them to thin out and eventually to not grow at all. This Hair Regrowth Treatment works to stop that hormone and allow your hair to grow in thicker. The appeal of this type of treatment is that it not only prevents further hair loss, but it also helps you regrow more hair. Minoxidil is the ingredient in most of these medications that is FDA approved to help regrow hair.

The final area of Hair Regrowth Treatment is hair transplant surgery. This is typically an option for people that have tried shampoo and other medications and had little or no success. The hair transplant surgery actually takes follicles and relocates them to where your natural hair line used to be. Those follicles then start regrowing hair after a recovery period. This option can be more invasive and much more expensive than the other options.

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Combat Hair Loss


Stop Hair Loss

If you're concerned about hair loss, you'll be glad to know that one of the most effective ingredients in Provillus is all-natural. Saw palmetto is a naturally occurring substance that has been used effectively in hair loss prevention and hair regrowth throughout the world. Studies have shown that saw palmetto lowers the levels of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) in your body by blocking receptors on the cell membranes. DHT is the major cause of typical male pattern baldness, and when it is reduced, new hair can grow unimpeded.

As the saw palmetto in Provillus blocks DHT, vitamin B6, biotin, zinc, and magnesium work to provide your scalp with the vital nutrients it needs to produce healthy hair. Gota Kola, Eleuthro, Uva-Ursi, pumpkin oil, and other extracts are also used to stimulate hair growth and assist with protein synthesis and energy metabolism. This effective combination has made Provillus extremely successful in stopping hair loss and kickstarting regrowth. In fact, this supplement is rated as the best hair loss treatment pill on the market!

Using our natural hair loss program does not require you to take several different steps on a daily basis. There are no creams that you have to rub on your head before you go to sleep, and there are no special hair care products that you have to use. You simply take the supplement orally and let its natural components run their course.

At this time, we are offering two free bottles of Provillus when you place an order. If you are not satisfied with the effect it is having on your hair and scalp, you have up to six months to return it for a full refund. We are able to give you this option, because we know you can find success with our product. So many others have used Provillus to restore their hair--isn't it time you tried the most effective hair loss product on the market?

For more information visit:

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10 Great Hair Care Tips


If you watch the tabloids, you know that even the stars have bad hair days. It just seems that when the professional stylists are out of the picture, it is inherently human to have a less than glamorous mane. But you can do your part to stay ahead of the battle by following these great tips for hair care.

1. Use a professional conditioner that is formulated for your specific hair type. While you can skimp a little on the shampoo, a good, professional conditioner is a must have. Look for products in salons that are customized for your hair type. For instance: If you have color or a perm, choose a conditioner that is for chemically processed hair. And stay away from those all-in-one shampoo and conditioner combos.

2. Choose a cut tailored to your face and body shape. The number one mistake that people make when choosing a new hairstyle is to pick a style based on popularity rather than how it will enhance their features. Always choose a new cut based on how it will enhance or detract from your facial features and build. If you have broad shoulders, choose a full-bodied cut over a close cropped head hugging doo.

3. Don’t forget your UV protectants. Just as your skin gets damaged by wind and sun, so does your hair. To combat this, look for finishing products such as mousses, gels and sprays that block UV rays.

4. Keep your appointments. Did you know that your hair will split faster than it will grow? You need to get a trim every 6 to 8 weeks, even if it’s just a micro trim. A good hairdresser makes them good because they know what to leave on the head, not take off.

5. Leave chemicals to the professionals. There is a reason why beauticians need to go to school to learn how to handle chemicals and hair processes. You can do irreparable damage with these products even if the package says that it’s way easy. And even if you don’t make your hair fall out, you could end up looking like a clown and paying a stylist big bucks to fix your mess. (Note: Most stylists charge double the rate for corrective color than they do for normal color processes)

6. Get color for interest and body. Every cut needs a little bit of color to make it truly breathtaking. No matter whether your taste is subtle or dramatic, you can add interest and volume to your tresses with a color process. Highlights, lowlights, all over color, gray coverage, you name it, it’s all good for your look.

7. Do weekly conditioning treatments. Even if your hair is extremely healthy, it is constantly on the attack from wind, sun, cold and heat. During the summer months, your hair is battered even more when it absorbs chlorine and other chemicals from your pool.

8. Get an ionic ceramic flat iron. Instead of frying your hair with a conventional metal plated flat iron. Straighten your tresses, add shine and infuse moisture with one of the a negative ionic flat irons. We personally use T3 irons for all our work.

9. Choose your styling products wisely. Avoid products that leave build-up on your hair. If you see white gunk, that means that your product is not water-soluble and may be coating your hair shaft. Build-up causes limpness, breakage and inability to curl not to mention the white flakes.

10. Did you know that if you use a towel after your shower to dry your hair you are causing split ends and adding static electricity to your hair. Don’t rub the towel back and forth over your hair, scrunch the towel around your hair like your would scrunch crackers in your soup.

While all of these tips won’t make you look like you’ve hired a personal hairdresser, they will help you look the very best that you can each and every day. When it comes to hair care, remember that you wear your hair everyday. Now isn’t it worth the time, effort and money that it takes to keep it looking spectacular?

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Herbs for Hair Loss


Ayurveda, the ancient science of medicine, has been using herbs to cure hair loss effectively. These herbs are derived from natural plants and are free fron side effects. Some of the herbs that can help combat hair loss and stimulate hair regrowth are discussed in this article. These are proven to be practical, natural, and effective for centuries.

Eclipta Alba (known as Bhringraj in India) is an ancient herb used for health of hair. It prevents baldness and premature graying. Fenugreek, also called Greek hay in English and Methi in India, is another remedy for hair loss. Fenugreek work by increasing the dilation of blood vessels to the scalp which improves blood circulation and nutrient supply to this area. Fenugreek seeds have very beneficial effects on hair growth. It has a unique mix of constituents, which contribute to maintaining healthy-looking hair and a well-nourished scalp.

Emblica Officinalis or Indian Gooseberry is one of the best known natural product for overall health of hair. It enriches hair growth and hair pigmentation. Gooseberry also strengthens roots of hair, maintains color and luster. Eating fresh fruit or applying its paste on hair roots improves hair growth and color. It is popular as Amla in India.

Shikakai is also one of the ayurvedic herb used for its strengthening & conditioning properties on the hair. It controls dandruff, promotes hair growth and strengthens hair roots. It is popularly known as "fruit for the hair" as it has a naturally mild pH, that gently cleans the hair without stripping it of natural oils.

Soap nuts (sapindus mukorossi) herb liquid can actually be used to clean hair in place of your regular shampoo. Popular as Reetha in India, Soap nut is an excellent hair tonic and used as a natural cleanser for washing hair, and forms a rich, natural lather. It is still being used as a naturally produced shampoo by the rural folks in India for washing their hair.

Henna is another excellent herb for the maintenance of healthy hair. Henna or Lawsonia Inermis can enrich, color and enhance overall health of hair. It is a powerful and natural hair conditioner that can help heal the hair shaft by repairing and sealing the cuticle, protecting hair against breakage and loss of shine.

Indian Neem or Azadirachta Indica helps remove dandruff and has a detangling effect on the hair. It possesses antidandruff, antibacterial, anti viral and fungicidal properties and therefore protects or fight with infections of scalp.

Aloe Vera or Barbadensis Miller is considered to be one of the best herb for hair loss. Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties that prevent hair loss and are even beneficial for curing Alopecia. Moreover, the herb is also known to stimulate hair growth.

Herbs contain healing compounds that can help rejuvenate unhealthy hair, restore its shine and balance, and combat hair loss. With these natural and safe alternatives one can not only take care of hair but also keep away from harmful products full of harsh chemicals.

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Herbs for Hair Loss, Treat Hair Loss with Herbal Remedies


The distribution of herbs for hair loss, have become extremely popular over the last few years. Research now shows as many as 42% of men and women experience some form of balding or hair loss at some point within their lives. This article is meant to inform you of the most effective natural herbs for hair loss treatment so you may quickly sift through the scams and easily identify a quality solution.

Saw Palmetto – A small creeping palm - Also known as Serenoa repens. It contains free fatty acids and phytosterols, which block the formation of DHT and by inhibiting the enzyme 5-alpha reductase that contributes to androgenetic alopecia. and has shown to be more effective than Finasteride in some cases.

Saw palmetto is an herb that has been used for decades for medical purposes, and recent science has also shown that the herb inhibits DHT, the main culprit in male pattern baldness. While saw palmetto should not be used by women, especially those who may become pregnant, it is an excellent option for men who want to regrow hair naturally

Chamomile. This flower has powerful calming properties and has been used for centuries because of its ability to induce sleep. Chamomile can be used to combat dandruff as well, which could be a cause of hair loss. Using chamomile oil on the scalp will also help promote healthy capillaries that supply blood to your scalp and hair follicles.

Aloe, Arnica, Birch, Burdock, Catmint, Chamomile, Horsetail, Licorice, Marigold, Nettles, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Southernwood and Stinging nettle are the major herbs that are used for hair growth. These herbs increase the circulation and the supply of blood in the scalp. Herbs like Aloe, Nettles and Stinging nettles help to clean the blood and the skin for hair growth.

One of the best things you can be taking to help treat your hair loss is Cucurbita Maxima. This has been used for a long time as a hair loss supplement. This has shown to have activity against your testosterone, which is important in preventing additional hair loss.

Arnica, as well as rosemary, southernwood and marigold are also herbs for hair loss. The oils from any of these herbs are massaged directly onto the scalp. Boiled with burdock, nettle and peach leaf for daily hair washing, rosemary and sage are very useful herbs. Rosemary can also be used to fight dandruff. (Itching and dandruff can also be a cause of hair loss.)

Horsetail helps improve circulation and blood flow. This stimulates the hair follicles and is necessary for promoting hair growth. High in Silica, Horsetail strengthens weak hair and increases its vitality. Horsetail is often added to herbal preparations that fight pattern baldness.

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Hair Loss Remedies to Stop Hair Loss


There are many different types of herbs that are supposed to work as a natural hair remedy. Many do not work at all and some even induce further hair loss and occasionally speed up hair loss. The last you want is to wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and realise you have lost more hair. Not knowing why.

In their lifetime 50 to 80 percent of men will experience some type of hair loss. With 40 percent of females also losing their hair, the search for a remedy is becoming of greater importance. While you can find several prescription medications on the market today, they have many side effects and can be quite expensive. This has led to numerous people choosing homemade remedies to combat their hair loss. Containing herbs, vitamins and essential oils these treatments have shown positive results for many people.

Amla oil, prepared by boiling dry pieces of amla in coconut oil, is considered a valuable hair tonic for enriching hair growth. A mixture of an equal quantity of fresh amla juice and lemon juice, used as a shampoo also stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss. Rubbing amla into the scalp directly and regularly will stop hair fall.

Eat a healthy diet. Recent studies have shown that eating a high fat diet increases your chances of loss dramatically. This does not mean you have to go on a strict diet for the rest of your life to stop any further loss. This just means you have to incorporate healthy food into what you eat everyday.

Herbal extracts such as Saw Palmetto and Nettle Root are used for hair loss as well. Saw Palmetto benefits the prostate and hair in men. Women who use birth control or who are on hormone replacement therapy should not use it. It helps to lower the levels of DHT-dihydrotestosterone. It is a male hormone related to Androgenic, also known as androgenetic Alopecia. Nettle Root extracts has vitamins A and C. It also has other beneficial minerals and lipids.

Indian gooseberry oil or amla oil is extremely useful in hair loss treatment. It is made up by boiling the dry pieces of Indian gooseberry in coconut oil. This works as a hair tonic for enriching hair growth. A mixture of fresh Indian gooseberry juice and equal quantity lime juice. Use this as a shampoo and feel stimulation of the hair growth that prevent hair fall.

There’s also a chance that some of you will never find a hair loss remedy if you’re one of the many millions world wide who experience male pattern baldness. Some products work for some people, but there needs to be a cut off point where a number of you might need to throw the towel in and simply learn to accept what you cannot change.

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How to Restore Your Hair Naturally Using Only Natural Remedies


If you are experiencing hair loss then you should read this article very carefully.

This article will show you tips on how to restore your hair and stop your hair loss naturally.

1) Eat foods that are high in Vitamin B Complex.

Vitamin B Complex is an important part of the structure of the hair and is usually found in high protein foods.

You should also make sure that you are getting adequate amounts of Vitamins A,C, and E.

You should be eating an overall healthy diet. If you are unsure about your diet or think you need to improve it, you should consult your doctor for advice.

2) Take better care of your hair.
Don't brush your hair while it as wet as it can lead to unnecessary breakage. If you style your hair while wet make sure to only use a wide tooth comb.
Don't blow dry your hair and instead let it dry without heat. Heat can really damage your hair and lead to dryness and breakage.
Be very selective about the products that you put in your hair. Don't use products that contain a lot of chemicals.
Avoid chemical hair treatments and styles that pull on your hair. All of these can lead to stress on the hair roots and cause your hair to fall out.

I used to suffer from hair loss myself until I found out that I could treat my hair loss naturally. 

Suffering from hair loss is very frustrating and embarrassing and there is no reason to go through this when it is something that can possibly be reversed.

What if I told you that by using the methods above and the natural hair loss remedies that you can find in the ebook How To Naturally Regrow Lost Hair in 15 Minutes a Day, you could regrow your hair?

By using the techniques found in this ebook, I was able to stop my hair loss and start regrowing my hair within months.

The truth is that How To Naturally Regrow Lost Hair in 15 Minutes a Day has some amazing hair restoration secrets that you probably have no idea about.

You should get a copy of this ebook if you are serious about regrowing your hair and want to learn more about stopping your hair loss naturally.

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Grow Long Hair Fast Tips Hair Growth Made Easy


How do i grow long hair fast? I get this quite often? What can make my hair grow long REALLY fast?

If you want long hair fast, you might want to use extensions, hair extensions can be great if you allow them to blend into your own hair, you need a professional to do it for you properly, if done properly your long hair will look very natural, you can buy extbedions from any good beauty supply store

But the secret is try to find a hair color that blends with your own hair for that long hair style look

If however you have 3 months to grow your hair then you want to follow the following long hair tips

First check your diet, you must make sure you are eating dark green vegetables, lots of protein and that you are drinking lots of water, drink at least 3-4 liters of water a day, I will tell you this simple trick alone will flush your body if toxins and allow your hair to grow faster

Next for long hair keep your hair oh natural

Use an all natural shampoo and avoid using blow-dryers, straightness, curling irons, etc. , these things will destroy your attempt to grow long hair , understand that on average your hair grows between a half inch and an inch each month but that is not a healthy rate, it can grow faster if you take these steps I am advocating

Next for long hair, make sure you take hair growth supplements

There are great supplements out there that can help hair growth and allow your hair to grow fast, internally take biotin and a good protein supplements, you should also take a good all round multivitamin that contains Vitamin H, take no less than 2500 micrograms daily to support healthy hair growth. It may take 6 to 8 weeks to see results

And finally for fast hair growth use Mira hair oil, it is so effective you will be amazed at how fast your hair grows; it contains herbs that have been proven to grow hair fast

Follow these simple steps and watch how fast your hair grows! Everyone can have long hair; you just need to make sure your keep your hair healthy on the outside by using Mira hair oil and an all natural shampoo and by making sure you are healthy internally

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How to grow natural long hair


Everyone wants natural long hair but few know how to do it! The first trick to get long natural hair is to keep it natural! I know this sounds silly but it is the truth!

Hair loss and hair that refuses to grow is usually the result of the use of commercial hair products!

Take one look at the back of your shampoo or conditioner and ask yourself if you would eat this?

I bet you would say no! So why would you put it on your scalp!? Your skin and scalp will soak up chemicals rather quickly leading to stunted hair growth, hair loss, itchy scalp, bad hair days etc

So if you want natural long hair is that is longer than shoulder length, you need to stop using these chemical products.

If you want to wash your hair use a cup of baking soda mixed with a teaspoon of apple cider diluted in half a cup of water and then mix into a paste, apply on your hair and scrub your hair

This simple scrub will also provide increased blood flow to the scalp and allow natural long hair growth.

Next natural long hair tip is to wash your hair often with the recipe I just gave you. You can wash your hair often so long as it is not with commercial shampoos, if you wish to use commercial shampoos make sure you wash your hair less often and apply most of the shampoo on the hair and not your scalp- this keeps most of the chemicals away from the scalp.

If you are in a hurry and want a natural long hair look but cant wait for it to grow, you might want to look into natural long hair extensions. Trim your natural hair every 3 to 4 weeks. This helps you grow your natural hair long and fast, trimming your hair gets rid of the split ends and may send air and moisture to your scalp which makes your hair grow longer faster.

Avoid using hair color if you want to get natural long hair, avoid dying your hair for a while, this is because hair dye is not natural and will give your long hair split ends, and the ammonia which is found in most hair dye’s is bad for your hair and health

Scalp moisture is crucial and you need a clean, healthy scalp for that I recommend you use Nara hair oil, it contains the finest and [purest oils and herbs that will not only clean your hair, they will also nourish your scalp and provide ample blood flow to your hair roots, allowing them to grow faster

Hope these simple tips help you grow your natural hair longer! Natural hair growth is always best for youthful healthier looking hair.

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How To Grow Strong And Healthy Hair


You may have long hair but you may also find that your hair keeps falling and it may also be dry. You may have used all kind of tips but noting has worked for you

So I will give you a fee tips to get strong long hair

Step one for strong hair- be sure to wash your hair only twice a week with shampoo, if you wish to wash it everyday be sure to skip the use of shampoo and use only natural shampoos, commercial shampoos will strip the sebum of your scalp and give you a dirty scalp

What I use myself with great success is I apply Mira hair oil on my scalp and leave it on all day, sometimes I put a plastic bag over your hair so it heats it up and penetrates my hair and scalp. This amazing oil also acts like a hot oil treatment. The oil contains some vitamins. powerful herbs and works to keep my hair stronger.

Be sure to eat healthier food, dark green leafy vegetables are crucial and a nice trim once a month will keep your hair looking healthy and strong. Simple steps that will soon show changes in your locks.

Other ways to get strong hair is to manage your hair gently and carefully always whiles combing and brushing your hair! It is important to use a wide teethed comb to detangle your hair, also try massaging Mira hair oil on the hard to detangle parts

For strong hair it is important to never use hot water on your hair. . Hot water will stress your hair and affect its strength and growth.

Another strong hair tips is to use a gentle massage to stimulate your hair follicles and to enhance the growth of strong healthy hair... always as I mentioned to occasionally trim the hair periodically to eliminate split ends.

When it comes to strong hair you want to make sure that you take adequate rest. It allows your hair to grow fast and strong

Finally for strong hair be sure to remove all hair tangled before washing your hair and you also want to make sure to never rub your hair with a towel to get your hair to dry

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The Shocking Truth About Hair Loss Treatments


The problem of hair loss is not limited to men only but also effects women, as well. It's easy to find lots of remedies for the hair loss on the internet itself. Now a day the internet is playing a prominent role when it comes to finding information about solutions for the hair loss. It is also helpful in providing the examples and testimonials of real life experiences for specific products from its users.

The price of hair loss solutions greatly varies from product to product. For example you may choose a simple over the counter product that cost less than $50 to a hair transplant that can cost upwards of $10,000 depending on the procedure selected. Keep in mind that the over the counter preparations are considered maintenance therapy. Meaning when you stop taking the medication the hair loss often restarts. Once you start these meds you must continue to take them.

If you watch television for any length of time, you will see that there are many ads related to hair loss. These ads are very effective. However, it is important to have realistic expectations regarding these products. Even the best treatments for hair loss can take a considerable time to work. Provillus, a treatment that has demonstrated efficacy, often takes as long as 4 months before patients start to see a difference. So do not be discouraged if you do not notice any immediate difference in your hair. Patience is the key.

The best hair loss solutions combine proven efficacy with a low level of side effects. Additionally, the treatment must be cost effective. One way to improve your chances of success is to put your efforts in finding the exact cause of the hair loss. The most common reasons include: genetics, pregnancy, stress, illness, or medications. You can certainly get to the most appropriate solution to treat your hair loss once you are determined to do so.

Are you the one who is ready to do anything for a cure of the hair loss? The problem of hair loss is being felt by a large mass of men from every corner of the world. However many people give up to this problem of hair loss and start accepting it by going completely bald, although there are people who don't like this option at all. There are more people today who are being successfully treated for their hair loss issue. Additionally, many products like Provillus have money back guarantees so you really have no risk. If you are about to start a hair loss therapy like Provillus please read the special report below. It will save you lots of time and effort.

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Discovery of baldness gene


During a joint research conducted by McGill University, King's College London and GlaxoSmithKline Inc. The investigators identified two genetic variants in Caucasians that together are responsible for seven times the increase in the risk of male pattern baldness. 

With reference to male pattern baldness, it is estimated that a third of all men are affected by the age of 45, impacting the concerned individuals both socially and economically. Global figures reveal that medical therapy for male-pattern baldness recently surpassed $405 million worldwide whereas expenditures for hair transplantation in the United States alone exceeded $115 million (U.S.) in 2007. Androgenetic alopecia is the most common form of baldness in males where hair is lost in a well-defined pattern beginning above both temples, resulting in a distinctive M-shaped hairline. In addition, it is estimated that 80% of the cases are hereditary. 

Dr. Vincent Mooser of GlaxoSmithKline, Dr. Brent Richards of McGill University's Faculty of Medicine and the affiliated Jewish General Hospital (and formerly of King's College), and Dr. Tim Spector of King's College along with colleagues in Iceland, Switzerland and the Netherlands conducted a genome-wide association study of 1,125 Caucasian men, assessed with male pattern baldness. The study established two previously unknown genetic variants on chromosome 20 that substantially increased the risk of male pattern baldness. These results helped further confirm the findings in an additional 1,650 Caucasian men.

Richards, an assistant professor in genetic epidemiology, has alleged that it can be therefore presumed that the same genetic variation may be responsible for causing male pattern baldness in non-caucasians also. However, this reasoning cannot be evidenced as no study has been conducted in those populations.

Although, the results of this research can be termed as a scientific leap, it no where near means that a treatment or cure for male pattern baldness will be seen anytime soon. Richards has further opined that only a cause has been identified and that the actual treatment of male pattern baldness will require more research. Nevertheless, the researchers have successfully crossed the first hurdle because treatment for a condition can only be established after the cause has been identified.

Spector of King's College and director of the TwinsUK cohort study, has added that predicting future hair loss before its actual onset may lead to some unconventional therapies that would be more effective than treating late stage hair loss.

In addition, Richards has mentioned that researchers have been aware of a genetic variant on the X chromosome that has been linked to male pattern baldness for a long time now.

He has further elucidated that because of the genetic variant on the X chromosome it has been assumed that baldness is inherited from the mother’s side of the family. Nevertheless, nothing is so straight jacketed, and it has been noticed that not one gene but several genes are responsible for causing male pattern baldness. Until recently, these other genes were undetected. Therefore, if both the risk variants on chromosome 20 and the unrelated known variant on the X chromosome is present, your risk of becoming bald increases sevenfold. 

It is even more startling is that 14%of the total population, that is one in every seven men possess both he risk variants.

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Natural hair growth- simple diet tips to grow long hair


Natural hair growth is the way to go, this is better than chemical hair loss treatments that come with a host of side effects are just temporary

A multi-vitamin is crucial for stopping hair loss and encouraging natural hair growth

Biotin is necessary for natural hair growth and so is fenugreek. it is said that hair loss and a lack of natural hair growth is due to vitamin A and B deficiency , so take lots of B supplements. Vitamin B5 is known to contain pantothenic acid and B3 (niacin that is vital for natural hair growth). Vitamin B6 is equally important to the growth of long hair

Make sure that you also take a multi mineral vitamin that contains zinc, sulfur, magnesium and biotin.

Here is an interesting hair growth fact about vitamin B, in one study rats that were denied magnesium begun to lose hair and when a diet low in biotin were given to rats they too lost hair. So this proves that biotin is crucial for natural hair growth

When these very rats were given vitamin B, the rats gained all their hair back

In short for long hair growth you need ample amounts of vitamin B and A. you should take natural sources of primrose oil, flaxseed oil and salmon oil

Finally there is vitamin E which also will stimulate natural hair growth

It will stimulate the oxygen intake in the body and it will also improve the blood circulation to your scalp and allow your hair to grow

Understand that for natural hair growth there has to be proper blood circulation, hair growth is then enhanced. Another Vitamin, vitamin C will help the normal functioning of capillaries that are designed to carry blood to the scalp.

Finally be sure to massage your scalp with good hair oil like Mira hair oil, herbal hair oils will promote hair growth. A good head and hair massage will also promote natural hair growth.

Use these tips and get your hair growing fast

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What Exactly Is Self-Hypnosis?


A lot of people think there is some sort of mystery or hocus pocus surrounding the state of hypnosis or self-hypnosis. Since I’m a certified practitioner of this wonderful health tool, I’ve written this article to give you the four key facts about hypnosis, demystify the whole process, and hopefully shed some light on how you can use self-hypnosis to achieve any goal you want in your life.

First, did you know that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis? Did you know when you are hypnotized that no one can make you do anything against your morals or beliefs? Why? Because you have the free-will to accept or reject the suggestions your hypnotist gives you. 

Second, did you know that every human being alive goes into a natural state of self-hypnosis 3 or 4 times a day? Let me give you some examples. Do you daydream? Have you ever stared at a burning candle or a fire place flame and got so relaxed and focused on the flame that someone said something to you and you did not hear what they said? What about when you’re watching TV or reading a book? Again, someone said something to you, but you were so focused on the TV show or the words on the page of your book that you did not hear them. These are examples of natural states of self-hypnosis. My favorite way to experience self-hypnosis is called, “Road Hypnosis.” This happens while I am driving down the road and I completely miss my turn or I didn’t even remember passing the street. Ha! Has that ever happened to you? This is also a natural state of self-hypnosis. 

Third, the most important thing you need to understand when you are in self-hypnosis is at that moment in time, you are in the most highly suggestible state for your subconscious mind, which makes up 90% of your mind, to accept suggestions. Yes, both good and bad suggestions. Why is this important? Because all of your good/bad habits and good/bad beliefs are stored in your subconscious mind.

And fourth, research has proven that self-hypnosis is the quickest and easiest way to change your behavior. In essence, what you are really learning to do is dehypnotize yourself from that negative self-talk that I call Radio Station, K-R-A-Z-Y and learn to train your “inner critic” to be your best friend by embracing more positive self-talk. The good news is that when you learn to practice self-hypnosis, you have a lifetime tool that no one can ever take away from you, and any goal you want to achieve is possible!

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6 Alternative Medicines for Type 2 Diabetes


With over 200 million people suffering from diabetes worldwide, and counting, it's fast becoming the #1 epidemic of modern times. A major cause of end-stage renal disease, preventable amputations and blindness, the efficacy of many alternative medicine treatments in managing diabetes has been explored.

While conventional medicine has prescriptions of endocrine disorder drugs for diabetes, alternative therapeutic approaches to its management include herbs, plant extracts and more.

The following are some naturals and alternative therapeutics that seem promising to scientists studying their effect on diabetes.

1. Fenugreek: This herb is commonly used for appetite loss, and to stimulate milk production in breastfeeding women. And a handful of studies have discovered that fenugreek may help in bringing down blood sugar levels in diabetes sufferers, that's according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicines (NCCAM).

Some time back, the Diabetes UK referred to several herbs being studied, including momordica cymbalaria, gymnema sylvestre and swertia chirayita.

2. Momordica Cymbalaria Roots:This a cucumber-like vegetable was assessed by scientists for its effect on Type 2 diabetes control and their tests on diabetic rats showed an improved glucose tolerance.

3. Gymnema Sylvestre Herb: Originating from the Indian tropical forests, this herb when tested for its effects on the body's ability to produce insulin, seemed to have a direct impact on the pancreatic insulin producing cells.

4. Swertia Chirayita Bark: Laboratory studies on the bark have found that some compounds separated from it appear to set off insulin production, in addition to enhancing its action.

5. Berberine: Chemically classified as a salt and found in the roots and barks of many plants, it has been documented in Chinese literature for having glucose lowering properties. According to Research Australia, the compound is indeed able to help lower blood sugar levels in animal models of diabetes.

6. Tai Chi Exercises: This isn't quite a herb, nonetheless, according to the April 2008 issue of the British Journal of Sports Medicine, Tai Chi exercises can improve the management of type 2 diabetes via improving blood glucose levels.

Despite appearing promising, experts believe that a lot more research is needed to definitively establish some of these alternative medicines' degree of efficacy.

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Acne Skin Care Regimen - Facial Wash


Teenage life is already bad as it is but add some zits to your young teenager's life and it makes it a lot worse. They become subject of jokes and their friends would look at them differently. Some would feel disgusted while some just simply doesn't want to be seen with a zit-boy or a zit-girl so what can a parent do to save their teenagers from all these ? Get rid of acne !

Treating acne can be difficult, depending on your skin type and the stage of your acne. Teenagers usually have acne because of their hormones. It can go pretty wild during this stage of their life so it is next to impossible to prevent the formation of pimples. Teenagers experienced having at least 1 pimple during their teens while some get dozens of them at a time! So, in order to get rid of acne, they must know how to keep their skin clean and dry.

Teenagers should have a regimen for washing their face. They should not over-wash it as that would cause dryness. When the skin starts to feel dry, the body automatically think it needs to produce more sebum thus you end up getting an oilier face. The oilier your face is, the more chance that you'd get pimples and acne so make sure to keep your face dry but not too dry. 

Wash your face only twice a day, once in the morning and once before bedtime. Use lukewarm water and a facial wash for your every wash. Lukewarm water opens up the pores so you could really clean your face. Make sure you have cool water too as that would be your final rinse. Cool water close up the pores. During the day, just make sure your face stays clean. Don't touch it with dirty hands and use oil-absorbing paper to remove excess oil. You may get rid of acne in no time if you do this.

However, acne is a condition that is different for everyone. Many people gets acne in their life, especially as a teen, but they don't have all the same factors causing acne. This is why it is recommended to use an acne treatment kit, where washing and cleansing is part of the process, but not the only thing you can rely on. Because everyone's skin is different and acne causes are different, an acne products kit should include cleansing, treating and protecting lotions or creams. 

Also, some natural supplements are welcome. Indeed, these can be the difference with a successful treatment and a failing one. Remember a teen gets acne because of hormaonal changes inside their body, thus it is important to address this cause too, by fighting acne at its roots. Balancing the system and killing the bacteria from the inside could make the skin improve tremendously.

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The Physical and Emotional Effects of Alcoholism


Alcohol addiction, or alcoholism, wreaks havocs in an individual’s life as well as loved ones. Alcoholism can lead to relationship problems, health problems, school or work problems, money problems, and more. Those effects are all indirect results of alcoholism, and direct results of alcoholism can be just as destructive.

Emotional Effects of Alcoholism
A common contributing factor to alcohol addiction is depression. Unfortunately, alcoholism only worsens depression. Somebody who is addicted to alcohol will lose control of his or her emotions. An angry person will become angrier and more violent, for example.
Also, alcohol abuse has a negative impact on motivation. An alcoholic will show low performance in school or at work, and will eventually stop participating in life altogether.
Studies have also shown alcohol abuse to cause anxiety disorders, depression, and even hallucinations.

Physical Effects of Alcoholism
Alcohol abuse may lead to gastrointestinal problems including: ulcers, pancreatic cancer, and gastritis.
Alcohol addiction also causes cardio vascular complication such as cardiomyopathy and hypertension.
Alcoholism severely weakens the immunity system. Those struggling with alcohol abuse may easily suffer serious infections, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and different type of cancers.
Alcohol abuse may also damage the peripheral and central nervous system, resulting in serious cognitive impairment.
Alcoholic males have reported impotency, testicular atrophy and gynecomastia.
Consuming alcohol during pregnancy can cause mental retardation, facial deformity and/or other neurological problems (fetal alcohol syndrome).

If you, or somebody you care about, may be abusing alcohol… don’t wait for these effects to occur! The sooner you seek help for alcohol abuse, the better. Contact Axis at (866)900-2947 for more information.

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Drug Abuse & Mental Health


There is a correlation between drug abuse and mental health. When an individual consumes a drug for the first time, they may experience pleasure. The addictive chemicals in a drug create a physical sense of happiness, and this is a wonderful feeling for those who are incapable of feeling happy due to depression, anxiety, or another mental disorder.

However, that wonderful feeling does not last. An individual who has a mental disorder may quickly become dependent on this drug, or the feeling the drug creates, and will not be able to function properly without abusing drugs. The problem worsens when the mental immunity to those chemicals strengthens.

An individual will then need to use a drug more frequently, and in larger doses, to achieve the same level of pleasure. Aside from the risk of overdose, there are more problems that arise. 
Rather than feeling a genuine sense of happiness, an individual is feeling false pleasure. The difference is that when that “high” is gone, one will feel lower than before. For this reason, an individual is dependent on the drug both physically, and mentally. Once drug addiction begins, it only snowballs into something worse.

Luckily, drug abuse treatment centers understand the relationship between drug abuse and mental health. This is why the only way to fully recover from an alcohol addiction is to seek treatment at a rehab center where personalized attention is given to treat each of the individual contributing factors.

Many rehabilitation centers have psychiatrists who first analyze the patient and find reasons behind their addiction. They also see that whether the patient is mentally prepared to quit drug addiction. Accordingly, they suggest a program and treatment for the patient. 
For more information on the correlation between drug abuse and mental health, consult a health or a drug treatment center near you.

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Qualities to Look for in a Drug Rehab Center


The main objective of a drug rehabilitation center is to treat drug addiction and to help each patient rebuild a healthy, happy lifestyle. The fundamental of a quality drug rehabilitation center is personalized attention and individual care.

While drug rehabilitation centers use programs that have proven effective for treating addiction… quality drug rehab centers do not take a cookie cutter approach towards each patient. No two individuals are identical, no two addictions are the same, and therefore each patient must be given a customized treatment that is tailored specifically to his or her unique needs.

In a drug rehab center, a patient will most likely begin treatment with detox… the process of eliminating all harmful toxins and chemicals from the body. This treats the physical dependency on drugs (or alcohol) and may involve many painful withdrawal symptoms. During detox, each patient will be given access to medical attention… available 24/7… and medication can be given when appropriate to lessen the discomfort.

Drug rehabilitation requires continued care through a variety of counseling programs. Each of these programs work together to treat the psychological, mental, and emotional dependency on drugs (or alcohol) and will provide each patient with the tools he or she needs to face addiction after he or she has successfully completed their care in the drug rehab center.

If you, or somebody you know, may be suffering drug or alcohol addiction, please contact your local drug rehab center today to learn more about the help that is available. For more informations about drug rehab please visit us today for effective drug treatment.

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Easy Technique to Clean the Tar From Smoker's Lungs


If you smoke just 1 or 2 cigarettes a day, you lungs can easily clean themselves and work normally. But if you are a heavy smoker, your body cannot clear your lungs completely and this results in smoker’s lungs. 

The problem stems from the fact that all cigarettes contain tar. Tar is the brown, tacky substance that is left behind on the end of the cigarette filter. If you are a smoker, it turns your teeth yellow, stains your fingers brown, and coats everything it comes into contact with a brownish yellow film. It is the same chemical that is used in the manufacture of tires and the building of roads. Every time you inhale, some of the tar in your cigarette is drawn into your lungs. If you smoke long enough, the tar begins to build up and coat the inside of your lungs. When your lungs get to the point where they can no longer clean the gunk out, you may have problems breathing or develop smoker’s lungs.

Normally, your lungs have a very efficient method to keep the air passages clean. Inside your lungs, there are thousands of tiny hair-like filaments that are called cilia. The cilia are like huge beds of seaweed growing on the ocean floor that oscillate back and forth with the tides. The cilia in your lungs work in the same way. They continually sweep impurities out of the lungs to maintain them and keep them clean. 

But if you are a heavy smoker, the tar begins to build up and coat the tiny cilia inside of your lungs. When your lungs get to the point where they can no longer clean the tar out, you may have problems breathing and develop a chronic cough. These are the first signs of smoker’s lungs.

So, what is the treatment for smoker’s lungs? There is a simple procedure you can use to help your lungs go from black and clogged, to pink and healthy in a relatively short time. This process will eliminate your chronic cough and make it easier to breathe. In fact, this process can clean your lungs fifteen or twenty times faster than your body can do it on its own, even if you continue to smoke.

It involves a secret combination of food supplements and vitamins that rinse the tar out of your lungs. If you've been smoking for more than a year, your lungs probably look like the chimney of a factory, charred and black with tar. Help your lungs go from black and clogged to pink and healthy in the shortest time possible.

And this system has other benefits as well...

It will get rid of that smoker’s cough.

It will increase your vitality and feeling of well-being.

It cleans out your lungs through simple techniques that can be done from home without the aid of a doctor.

It allows you breathe in more life giving and health enhancing oxygen than ever before.

It helps you lose weight.

If you are a heavy smoker, try this system and rinse years of tar out of your lungs. After cleaning your lungs, you will feel better than you have in years! Go to Repair Smoker’s Lungs and try this amazing new procedure to clean your lungs painlessly and effortlessly in the comfort of your home. Do it now!

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Nutrition For Your Cells (Part 3)


Nutrition For Our Cells (Part 3) 

(Continued from Nutrition For Your Cells (Part 2) - Getting Toxins Out Of Our Bodies and Nutrition In.)

By Warren Tattersall and Susan Smith


How do we absorb nutrition into our bodies?

What I mean is that we have a plate of food sitting on the table in front of us and somehow we get the nutrition from that food into our bodies and delivered to our cells so that we can keep strong and healthy.

How does all that work? 

When you eat food it goes through a definite process.

You start by breaking it or cutting it into manageable size pieces.

Next, you chew the food to break it down and at the same time, the saliva in your mouth introduces enzymes into the food that begin to break it down also.

The food goes to your stomach where the stomach acids and the action of the stomach break it down further to a soup like consistency.

It then enters the small intestine where there are further enzymes breaking it down to even finer elements.

This reduces the food to small enough particles for your body to absorb them.

Most of the nutrition that absorbs into your body does so through the small intestine.

The intestine itself is very long, about 6.5 m (22 ft) long.

The walls of the intestine are not flat but corrugated.

Upon them are the villi and on them tiny micro-villi.

These are small finger like protrusions that wave in the food "soup" and absorb nutrition.

One Indian doctor I met described the effect as being like having a seaweed forest on the inside of your intestine that the food passes through.

Just as the seaweed draws nutrition out of the ocean, so the villi and micro villi draw nutrition out of the food we have eaten.

The villi draws the nutrients through the walls of the small intestine and deposits them into the blood steam or the lymph system, which then takes them through out the body and delivers them where needed to support new cells being created and cellular regeneration.

Also, just like the seaweed that becomes torn up and thrown on the beach during a storm, our villi is delicate and can be easily damaged. Just like the seaweed our villi is intended to regenerate quickly.

If we stress the villi too much they become brittle and break off and under continued stress, they do not regenerate but become broken and stumpy.

They then can be covered with fats from the food we eat and a build up of mucus creates an effective barrier that prevents much of the nutrition from the food we eat, to be absorbed.

When this happens the villi are said to be "Energetically Impaired".

The things that stress the villi are: 

? Poor food choices, high fats, high sugar, low fibre. 

? Irregular eating patterns. 

? Irregular sleep patterns, (very common for shift workers). 

? Environmental toxins as we discussed earlier. 

? The Two Worst Factors for Damaging villi are: Antibiotics and Stress.

Do you know anyone who has been under stress lately? Not getting regular, nutritious meals? Having broken sleep times? Using antibiotics?

These lifestyle issues just seem to be part of everyday living in modern society.

If you are noticing that you are often weary, not handling stress as well as you would expect, losing concentration in the afternoon, waking up without feeling rested, then it is very likely that you have 'Energetically Impaired' villi.

A study by the Cambridge University many years ago concluded that the surface area of the inside of the small intestine of an average adult male would be somewhere in the region of Two Soccer Ovals!

If the same person had fully Energetically Impaired villi that surface area could be as little as One Tennis Court!

Imagine lawn fertilizer being poured over two soccer ovals and then imagine the same fertilizer being poured over a single tennis court. Of course, much would run off the tennis court, and the same principle applies to our villi.

If they are 'Energetically Impaired' then we are starved of nutrition, no matter what we eat.

In this case the body is not able to produce new healthy cells at the level it should and our system suffers.

This has been like making a photocopy of a photo. The copy is okay but maybe not quite as good as the original.

If we then photocopy the copy, the image is a little worse.

When we get eight or ten copies from the original we may not even be able to tell what the original photo was!

In our body this equates to things starting to go wrong and them being run down.

with a modern, scientifically constructed, nutrition program with the right mix of mixture of herbs and botanical factors along with the vitamins and minerals we need, promotes the regeneration of the villi.

In a normal, healthy person we expect to see this process of rebuilding the villi, accompanied by a measurable change in personal energy, within about three days of starting on the products.

Once this happens it is like copying the original photograph with each photo getting better and better.

In our bodies this shows as the cells becoming healthier and healthier and we find ourselves feeling better and better.

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