Nutrition For Our Cells (Part 3)
(Continued from Nutrition For Your Cells (Part 2) - Getting Toxins Out Of Our Bodies and Nutrition In.)
By Warren Tattersall and Susan Smith
How do we absorb nutrition into our bodies?
What I mean is that we have a plate of food sitting on the table in front of us and somehow we get the nutrition from that food into our bodies and delivered to our cells so that we can keep strong and healthy.
How does all that work?
When you eat food it goes through a definite process.
You start by breaking it or cutting it into manageable size pieces.
Next, you chew the food to break it down and at the same time, the saliva in your mouth introduces enzymes into the food that begin to break it down also.
The food goes to your stomach where the stomach acids and the action of the stomach break it down further to a soup like consistency.
It then enters the small intestine where there are further enzymes breaking it down to even finer elements.
This reduces the food to small enough particles for your body to absorb them.
Most of the nutrition that absorbs into your body does so through the small intestine.
The intestine itself is very long, about 6.5 m (22 ft) long.
The walls of the intestine are not flat but corrugated.
Upon them are the villi and on them tiny micro-villi.
These are small finger like protrusions that wave in the food "soup" and absorb nutrition.
One Indian doctor I met described the effect as being like having a seaweed forest on the inside of your intestine that the food passes through.
Just as the seaweed draws nutrition out of the ocean, so the villi and micro villi draw nutrition out of the food we have eaten.
The villi draws the nutrients through the walls of the small intestine and deposits them into the blood steam or the lymph system, which then takes them through out the body and delivers them where needed to support new cells being created and cellular regeneration.
Also, just like the seaweed that becomes torn up and thrown on the beach during a storm, our villi is delicate and can be easily damaged. Just like the seaweed our villi is intended to regenerate quickly.
If we stress the villi too much they become brittle and break off and under continued stress, they do not regenerate but become broken and stumpy.
They then can be covered with fats from the food we eat and a build up of mucus creates an effective barrier that prevents much of the nutrition from the food we eat, to be absorbed.
When this happens the villi are said to be "Energetically Impaired".
The things that stress the villi are:
? Poor food choices, high fats, high sugar, low fibre.
? Irregular eating patterns.
? Irregular sleep patterns, (very common for shift workers).
? Environmental toxins as we discussed earlier.
? The Two Worst Factors for Damaging villi are: Antibiotics and Stress.
Do you know anyone who has been under stress lately? Not getting regular, nutritious meals? Having broken sleep times? Using antibiotics?
These lifestyle issues just seem to be part of everyday living in modern society.
If you are noticing that you are often weary, not handling stress as well as you would expect, losing concentration in the afternoon, waking up without feeling rested, then it is very likely that you have 'Energetically Impaired' villi.
A study by the Cambridge University many years ago concluded that the surface area of the inside of the small intestine of an average adult male would be somewhere in the region of Two Soccer Ovals!
If the same person had fully Energetically Impaired villi that surface area could be as little as One Tennis Court!
Imagine lawn fertilizer being poured over two soccer ovals and then imagine the same fertilizer being poured over a single tennis court. Of course, much would run off the tennis court, and the same principle applies to our villi.
If they are 'Energetically Impaired' then we are starved of nutrition, no matter what we eat.
In this case the body is not able to produce new healthy cells at the level it should and our system suffers.
This has been like making a photocopy of a photo. The copy is okay but maybe not quite as good as the original.
If we then photocopy the copy, the image is a little worse.
When we get eight or ten copies from the original we may not even be able to tell what the original photo was!
In our body this equates to things starting to go wrong and them being run down.
with a modern, scientifically constructed, nutrition program with the right mix of mixture of herbs and botanical factors along with the vitamins and minerals we need, promotes the regeneration of the villi.
In a normal, healthy person we expect to see this process of rebuilding the villi, accompanied by a measurable change in personal energy, within about three days of starting on the products.
Once this happens it is like copying the original photograph with each photo getting better and better.
In our bodies this shows as the cells becoming healthier and healthier and we find ourselves feeling better and better.
(Continued from Nutrition For Your Cells (Part 2) - Getting Toxins Out Of Our Bodies and Nutrition In.)
By Warren Tattersall and Susan Smith
How do we absorb nutrition into our bodies?
What I mean is that we have a plate of food sitting on the table in front of us and somehow we get the nutrition from that food into our bodies and delivered to our cells so that we can keep strong and healthy.
How does all that work?
When you eat food it goes through a definite process.
You start by breaking it or cutting it into manageable size pieces.
Next, you chew the food to break it down and at the same time, the saliva in your mouth introduces enzymes into the food that begin to break it down also.
The food goes to your stomach where the stomach acids and the action of the stomach break it down further to a soup like consistency.
It then enters the small intestine where there are further enzymes breaking it down to even finer elements.
This reduces the food to small enough particles for your body to absorb them.
Most of the nutrition that absorbs into your body does so through the small intestine.
The intestine itself is very long, about 6.5 m (22 ft) long.
The walls of the intestine are not flat but corrugated.
Upon them are the villi and on them tiny micro-villi.
These are small finger like protrusions that wave in the food "soup" and absorb nutrition.
One Indian doctor I met described the effect as being like having a seaweed forest on the inside of your intestine that the food passes through.
Just as the seaweed draws nutrition out of the ocean, so the villi and micro villi draw nutrition out of the food we have eaten.
The villi draws the nutrients through the walls of the small intestine and deposits them into the blood steam or the lymph system, which then takes them through out the body and delivers them where needed to support new cells being created and cellular regeneration.
Also, just like the seaweed that becomes torn up and thrown on the beach during a storm, our villi is delicate and can be easily damaged. Just like the seaweed our villi is intended to regenerate quickly.
If we stress the villi too much they become brittle and break off and under continued stress, they do not regenerate but become broken and stumpy.
They then can be covered with fats from the food we eat and a build up of mucus creates an effective barrier that prevents much of the nutrition from the food we eat, to be absorbed.
When this happens the villi are said to be "Energetically Impaired".
The things that stress the villi are:
? Poor food choices, high fats, high sugar, low fibre.
? Irregular eating patterns.
? Irregular sleep patterns, (very common for shift workers).
? Environmental toxins as we discussed earlier.
? The Two Worst Factors for Damaging villi are: Antibiotics and Stress.
Do you know anyone who has been under stress lately? Not getting regular, nutritious meals? Having broken sleep times? Using antibiotics?
These lifestyle issues just seem to be part of everyday living in modern society.
If you are noticing that you are often weary, not handling stress as well as you would expect, losing concentration in the afternoon, waking up without feeling rested, then it is very likely that you have 'Energetically Impaired' villi.
A study by the Cambridge University many years ago concluded that the surface area of the inside of the small intestine of an average adult male would be somewhere in the region of Two Soccer Ovals!
If the same person had fully Energetically Impaired villi that surface area could be as little as One Tennis Court!
Imagine lawn fertilizer being poured over two soccer ovals and then imagine the same fertilizer being poured over a single tennis court. Of course, much would run off the tennis court, and the same principle applies to our villi.
If they are 'Energetically Impaired' then we are starved of nutrition, no matter what we eat.
In this case the body is not able to produce new healthy cells at the level it should and our system suffers.
This has been like making a photocopy of a photo. The copy is okay but maybe not quite as good as the original.
If we then photocopy the copy, the image is a little worse.
When we get eight or ten copies from the original we may not even be able to tell what the original photo was!
In our body this equates to things starting to go wrong and them being run down.
with a modern, scientifically constructed, nutrition program with the right mix of mixture of herbs and botanical factors along with the vitamins and minerals we need, promotes the regeneration of the villi.
In a normal, healthy person we expect to see this process of rebuilding the villi, accompanied by a measurable change in personal energy, within about three days of starting on the products.
Once this happens it is like copying the original photograph with each photo getting better and better.
In our bodies this shows as the cells becoming healthier and healthier and we find ourselves feeling better and better.
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