Friday, April 24, 2009

How to stop obsessive thought


Author: peter brennan
Many of us obsess over one thing or another. We have a thought that we can't get out of our minds and on and on it goes. For some of us this only happens now and again.

But for others it might be a daily accurance and it stops one enjoying life and being present.

It can be very energy zapping and can lead one to become very isolated and cut off from whats going on around As you are lost in your own little world.

The good news is that I believe there is a way through this pain, it may take time but I'm going to show you how it works.

Step one-Do not try to fight what is happening. That is to say when the thought you are avoiding comes into your mind and you feel the emotion in your body do not try to fight what is going on as this only makes the thought stronger and the emotion too

Step two-ask your self the question-what what emotion am I trying to avoid?. The thought your fighting is usually creating an emotion in your body. Asking what emotion you are fighting may remind you of an experience from the past that was traumatic, when the thought that triggers this emotion arrises again you may instintively fight it. You have to realise that this is not in your best interest.

Step three-Actively think the thought and don't shy away from it. let your thought create your emotion and feel the full force of its energy. You will find that its energy has a limit and does fade.


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